How to Convert Video to Audio Using VLC Media Player? Everything You Need To Know

Do you want to convert your favourite videos into audio files? If so, you’ve come to the right place! This blog post will discuss how to easily and quickly convert video to audio with minimal effort. So let’s get started on our journey towards converting videos into audio!

How to Convert Video to Audio Using VLC Media Player?

Using VLC Media Player to convert video to audio is easy. The first step is to open your desired video file using the program.

Once you’ve opened it, locate the ‘Media’ menu at the top of the window. From here, click on the ‘Convert/Save’ option.

A new window will open, where you can select the file format you want to convert your video into. Once you’ve chosen the audio format, click the ‘Start’ button, and VLC Media Player will convert your video into an audio file.

Once the conversion is complete, go to the folder where you saved the file, and you’ll find the new audio file ready to play!

Step-by-Step Image Guide

Step 1

How to Convert Video to Audio Using VLC Media Player

Step 2

How to Convert Video to Audio Using VLC Media Playerv

Step 3

How to Convert Video to Audio Using VLC Media Player

Step 4

How to Convert Video to Audio Using VLC Media Player

Step 5

How to Convert Video to Audio Using VLC Media Player

Step 6

How to Convert Video to Audio Using VLC Media Player

Tips on How to Get The Best Results When Converting Videos Into Audio Files

When converting videos into audio files, it is essential to understand the available formats and codecs. Different audio codecs such as MP3, AAC, OGG, and WAV will result in various sound qualities when used to encode audio content.

For example, MP3 is a lossy format, while WAV is uncompressed and has better sound quality. The audio file’s bitrate will also affect its sound quality. Higher bitrate audio files will generally have higher sound quality than lower bitrate audio files.

Also read Audio File Format: A Complete Guide

Another important factor to consider is the source material you are converting from. When converting videos with compressed formats such as MP4 or MKV, the resulting audio will also be compressed, meaning that there may be some sound quality lost in the conversion process. It is best to convert from uncompressed formats such as AVI or MOV for optimal results.

Lastly, it is important to understand how different devices handle audio files. Some portable media players and car stereos may not play certain audio formats, so it is best to ensure that your audio files are in a format compatible with the device you are using.


What is The Best Way to Get The Best Results When Converting?

For optimal results, it is best to convert from uncompressed formats such as AVI or MOV and ensure that your audio files are in a format compatible with the device you are using.

Does The Source Material Affect Sound Quality When Converting Videos Into Audio Files?

The source material affects sound quality when converting videos into audio files. Compressed formats such as MP4 or MKV will result in some sound quality loss during the conversion process, while uncompressed formats such as AVI or MOV may provide higher sound quality results.

What Bitrate Should I Use For Optimal Sound Quality When Converting Videos Into Audio Files?

Use a higher bitrate audio file for optimal sound quality when converting videos into audio files. Higher bitrate audio files will generally have better sound quality compared to lower bitrate audio files.

Will Different Devices be Able to Play The Converted Audio File?

Yes, different devices may be able to play the converted audio file depending on its format and compatibility with the device. It is best to ensure that your audio files are in a format compatible with the device you are using for optimal results.


When converting video to audio, a few important factors must be considered. Different audio codecs and bitrates will result in different sound quality.

Compressed video formats may also lower sound quality when converted into an audio file. Converting from uncompressed formats such as AVI or MOV is best to ensure the best results. Additionally, it is important to ensure the audio file format is compatible with your device.

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